• The slytigergaming Podcast - Episode Four

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    Welcome to the forth episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    This week we found out what everyone has been playing, discussed in length our thoughts about the latest 'remastered' fad and placed our bets for the upcoming Gmescon 2014!

    You can download the Podcast from iTunes or straight from the source!

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one!

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