• Welcome to the thirteenth episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    On this episode we get quite drunk and discuss Nintendo, Microsoft, Sony and Margaret, we also make an extra special announcement!

    Download via iTunes , or get it straight from the source! (Right click save as)

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one! 

  • Welcome to the twelfth episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    On this episode we ran down the year that was 2014, aka the year the internet lost its shit and then went on to cover everyone favorite game for this year.

    Download via iTunes , or get it straight from the source! (Right click save as)

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one! 

  • Welcome to the Eleventh episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    On this episode we discussed what everyone has been playing, the latest gaming news and then we ripped into the current phenomenon of broken AAA titles and touched on why Embargo mis-use is wrong. We finished off discussing Kirby in 5-Minutes with Todd.

    Download via iTunes , or get it straight from the source! (Right click save as)

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one! 

  • Welcome to the Tenth episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    On our first milestone episode we discussed whats new in the world of gaming such as Overwatch, Smash Bros, the new Mass Effect and The Witcher. We then battled down over whether the NPD statistics for November will go in the PS4's favor for the 12th month running. We then ranked how well we thought the upcoming titles for November will do and finished off with 5 minutes with Christian, asking him what his first home console was.

    Download via iTunes , or get it straight from the source! (Right click save as)

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one! 

  • Welcome to the Ninth episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    On this episode of the podcast we spoke with Aeme about her experience with the newly released Sunset Overdrive and also featured her as the first person for our new segment "5 minutes  with" where we asked her what got her into gaming. We also sat down with Lauren and all discussed an emotional point in gaming for us.

    Download via iTunes , or get it straight from the source! (Right click save as)

    Just a reminder you can catch up with Todd and Rick's Evil Within Stream as its all now on YouTube

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one! 

  • Welcome to a special episode of the slytigergaming podcast. On this episode we interviewed a friend of the podcast Tahi who lives in Japan. Tahi gave us the run down on how different the video game scene is in Japan. It was truly fascinating!

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one!

  • Welcome to the Eighth episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    This week we split the podcast in two! Our first segment stared Aeme, Christian, Kristian, Peter and Todd and focused around the anticipated titles coming before Christmas 2015 whilst segment two featured Christian, Lauren, and Todd and covered the upcoming titles being launched in the first quarter of 2015.

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one!

  • Welcome to the seventh episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    This week we asked what everyone has been playing, covered the latest in gaming news, delved deep into the exciting launched of Tokyo Game Show 2014, made a case for our favorite RPG, quickly covered upcoming new game launches and made a bet on how many patched Smash Brothers 3DS will get before the next podcast! 

    You can download the Podcast from iTunes, via RSS or straight from the source!

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one!

  • Welcome to the sixth episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    This week we asked what everyone has been playing, discussed our views on the #Gamergate story and pondered what the future holds in store for the Xbox brand after their lackluster launch in Japan.

    You can download the Podcast from iTunes or straight from the source!

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one!

  • Welcome to the fifth episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    This week we found out what everyone has been playing, the latest in gaming headlines, the Xbox One Tomb Raider Holiday Exclusive and the masterful Silent Hills release found at the end of the PT demo.

    You can download the Podcast from iTunes or straight from the source!

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one!

  • Welcome to the forth episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    This week we found out what everyone has been playing, discussed in length our thoughts about the latest 'remastered' fad and placed our bets for the upcoming Gmescon 2014!

    You can download the Podcast from iTunes or straight from the source!

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one!

  • Welcome to the third episode of The slytigergaming Podcast, a fortnightly podcast where we cover gaming news, opinions, and beyond from New Zealand and around the world.

    This week we found out what everyone has been playing, we imagined what an old game made new in this generation of gaming would look like, discussed biggest let down by a video game and the best console release of all time!

    You can download the Podcast from iTunes or straight from the source!

    We always want to hear your feedback, email us at slytigergaming@gmail.com, tweet us @slytigergaming , or use the Contact Us! form

    Our introduction music and various alterations of it are sampling  “The Killbots Are Coming!” (by Flex Vector)Our News music sampled "Glass Boy" (by NEWS AT 11) and we outro'd this podcast with a song from Overclock remix, listen to find out which one!